Jerold D. Bozarth
University of Georgia
Fred M. Zimring
Case Western Reserve
Frank M. Zimring and Jerold Bozarth
Conceptual Analysis of Client and Counselor Activity in Client-Centered Therapy
Julius Seeman
The Collaborative Relationship in Psychotherapy
Peggy Natiello
Human Science and the Person-Centered Approach: An Inquiry into the Inner Process of Sinificant Change within Individuals
Robert Barth and Ruth Sanford
Some Observations of Carl Rogers’ Behavior in Therapy Interviews
Barbara Temaner Brodley
The Philosophy and Practice of Client-Centered Therapy with Older Persons: An Interview with C. H. Patterson
Jane E.Myres and Darryl A. Hyers
Qualities or Dimensions of Experiencing and Their Change
Eugene Gendlin and Fred Zimring
Two Therapists and a Client
June Ellis and Fred Zimring
Book Review: Beyond Therapy, Beyond Science
Marianne Anderson
PCA’s Greatest Weakness Correction Note Volume 1 Number 2
John K. Wood [alias]