Minutes of the 2019 Business Meeting

ADPCA 2019 Annual Conference Business Meeting Minutes

Held in: Kutztown, PA
Author: Jessica Shipman


1. The first time a person’s name is mentioned, both first and last names are given. The next time(s) that person is mentioned, only the first name is given.

2. Decisions and action items are bolded.

Business Focused Meeting: Thursday, July 25, 2019, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Proposed Agenda Items: ADPCA 2020, ADPCA 2021, Treasurer’s Report, Treasurer’s Resignation, Renaissance, Communal Archive Proposal, Person-Centered Journal (PCJ) Resignation, Membership Report, Charitable Contribution, Listserv, ADPCA Preservation

I. ADPCA 2020 – Sarah Welton found a location at Linfield College in McMinnville, OR; however, she is unsure about committing to planning the entire conference.

a. Discussion about how to move forward with having an Annual Meeting (required by the bylaws) with or without a Conference.

Community Meeting: Thursday, July 25, 2019, 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM

Discussion about the duties involved with open positions within the organization.

  1. Bert Rice described the duties of the ADPCA Treasurer, which include:


    1. Managethe bank and PayPal accounts,
    2. Complete an Annual Report to present at the ADPCA annual meeting,
    3. File ADPCA tax documents,
    4. Maintain the organization’s nonprofit status by working with our attorney to file each year the appropriate document with the Illinois Secretary of State.
  2. Hosting ADPCA Conferences in 2020 and in 2021, which includes, for each year,


    1. Locate venue / meeting rooms,
    2. Setting prices,
    3. Set schedule, 4.
    4. Advertising,
    5. Host is ADPCA President for the year.i
  3. Renaissance Newsletter Editor, which includes


    1. Gather article submissions,
    2. Format Newsletter,
    3. Printing / Mailing
  4. PCJ Editor, which includes,


    1. Gather article submissions,
    2. Format journal,
    3. Printing / Mailing

Business Focused Meeting: Friday, July 26, 2019, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

    1. Person-Centered Journal


      1. Marge Witty and Jerome Wilczynski are resigning as co-editors of the PCJ.
      2. All back issues of PCJ are available at the ADPCA website
      3. Jo Cohen offered to edit issue 25 and issue 26 of the PCJ.


        1. Marge Witty offered to stay on as an associate editor to assist with the transition.
        2. It would be ideal if future editors would stay on for a 2-year commitment or possibly overlap incoming and outgoing editors for smoother transitions (*no action taken in this item).
      4. Action: Bert Rice moves to accept Jo Cohen as editor of the Person-Centered Journal.


        1. i. Seconded: Jin Wu
        2. Passed
    2. ADPCA 2020 (continued)


      1. Ashley Allcorn proposed that ADPCA 2020 be held in Chicago with support from Chicago Counseling Associates – Dates / Location TBA
      2. Action: Bert moves to accept Ashley’s proposal to host the 2020 Annual Meeting.


        1. Seconded: Kathy Moon
        2. Passed
    3. Treasurer Position


      1. Laura Lauko proposed that she become treasurer.
      2. Action: Sarah Solis moves to accept Laura’s proposal to take over as Treasurer.
        1. Seconded: Margaret Warner
        2. Passed
    4. Treasurer’s Report


      1. Bert read the Treasurer’s Report in full. (***See attached.)
    5. Communal Archive Proposal


      1. Ashley discussed a proposal to digitize and preserve the archives from theChicago Counseling and Psychotherapy Center. (***See attached.)
      2. Discussion on storage and distribution of digital material in later phases of theproject – too early in project to have final decisions on this.
      3. Action: Margaret moves to accept the Communal Archive Proposal as written.


        1. Seconded: Bert
        2. Passed

Business Focused Meeting: Saturday, July 27, 2019, 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM

  1. Renaissance Newsletter


    1. Leslie Spencer is resigning as editor of the Renaissance
    2. Sarah Solis and Tristan Grove are interested in co-editing the Renaissance.
    3. Action: Bert moves to accept Sarah Solis and Tristan Grove as co-editors of the Renaissance newsletter.
      1. iSeconded: Jin
      2. Passed
  2. Charitable Donation
    1. Jo reported that the Keith Haring Foundation (www.Haring.com) allowed the ADPCA 2019 Conference to utilize his artwork for free. It would typically cost $450 to use his artwork on promotional materials.
    2. Action: Jo moves to make a charitable donation to the Keith Haring Foundation of 10% of the profit from the ADPCA 2019 Conference (profit above seed money).
      1. Seconded: Bert
      2. Passed

    Community Meeting: Saturday, July 27, 2019, 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM

  3. Business Listserv
    1. Kathy discussed the possibility of creating another Listserv that members could use to discuss theory and practice but also wondered about using the current business listserv for that purpose.
    2. Action: Kathy moves to convert the business listserv to include discussions about theory and practice.
      1. Seconded: Jo
      2. Kathy withdrew her motion after discussion

***ADPCA 2021 was not formally discussed outside of the need to find a host. There were no volunteers to host at this year’s conference. Possibilities were discussed that included the United Kingdom and Scotland.

***The Membership Report was not formally discussed. Jessica Shipman prepared a report as follows: 192 current / recently lapsed members (75% regular membership, 11% supporting membership, 12 % student membership, 2% scholarship). There are 260 lapsed members maintained on the membership roster for a total of 453 people on the roster.

***ADPCA Preservation was removed as an agenda item after progress was made on other business items and vacant positions.

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