
The Person-Centered Journal is sponsored by the Association for the Development of the Person-Centered Approach. The intent of this publication is to promote ideas and thinking about the principles and practice of the person-centered approach and to disseminate scholarly information and thinking concerned with topics which may be related to those who have an interest in person-centered philosophy.

Manuscripts should be submitted to Jerold D. Bozarth, Co-Editor, The Person-Centered Journal, Aderhold 4O2, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602. Manuscripts should follow the style of the American Psychological Association as depicted in the most recent issue of the publication manual. Manuscripts should be original copy on a letter quality or laser paper (No dot matrix form.) Three printed copies of the manuscript should also be included. Address and phone numbers of authors should also be included. The Person-Centered Journal is an evolving journal which b scheduled for publication again in.March, 1993 and will be expanded to four issues per year in following years.

Editorial Policy is that of an open review. Reviewing editors’ comments are sent to the authors with the names of reviewers. Articles accepted for publication will be those that focus on some aspect of the person-centered approach.

Subscriptions: Address all subscription correspondence to The Person-Centered Journal, Aderhold 402, University of Georgia, Athens. GA 30602.
