Jeffrey H. D. Cornelius-White
Missouri State University
Bruce Allen
Independent Practice, Bullhead City, AZ
Jeffrey H. D. Cornelius-White and Bruce Allen
Carl Rogers and Martin Buber in Dialogue: The Meeting of Divergent Paths
Charles Merrill
Paul Tillich and Carl Rogers Conversation: Review with Commentary
Grigoris Mouladoudis
In Memoriam Barbara Temaner Brodley October 4, 1932 – December 14, 2007
Marjorie Witty
Remarks at Barbara T. Brodley’s Memorial Service
Barry Grant
A Rating System for Studying Nondirective Client-Centered Interviews—Revised
Jerome Wilczynski, Barbara T. Brodley and Anne Brody
Nondirectivity: Attitude or Practice?
Marvin Frankel and Lisbeth Sommerbeck
Response-Centered Therapy: The Good, Bad, and Ugly
Jerold D. Bozarth
Response to Frankel and Sommerbeck
Arthur, C. Bozart
Authors’ Response to Bohart and Bozarth
Lisbeth Sommerbeck and Marvin Frankel
Person-Centered Organizations: Cooperation, Competition, or Separation?
Jeffrey H. D. Cornelius-White and Andrea Uphoff
Book Review: Person-Centred Practice: Case Studies in Positive Psychology
Leslie A. McCulloch
Book Review: The Handbook of Person-Centered Psychotherapy and Counselling
Joseph Hulgus
Index to The Person Centered Journal Volumes 1-15 (1992-2008)
Compiled by Jeffrey H. D. Cornelius-White and Halyssa Greene